Vote for

Something New

Let’s Break the Status Quo at Carlynton

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About Reece

Reece has lived in the Carlynton School District his whole life and is always trying to give back to it. While at Carlynton he was involved in numerous clubs and activities, taking on a leadership position with many of them. Notably, he was President of the National Honor Society, where he helped organize community service projects for students to help the local community.

He is an assistant Scoutmaster with the local Scout Troop where he earned his Eagle Scout Rank, giving back to the organization that helped him in his youth. He also has volunteered with the local American Legion Post.

Reece is very involved with local government, especially the School board. While in High School he regularly attended meetings. Since graduating college he has been attending School Board and Borough Council meetings. Recently he was appointed to the Crafton Trails study committee.

After graduating Carlynton Reece attended Allegheny College, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Economics. He currently works in the Financial Planning Field.

Election Questions

  • The School Board is responsible for running the school. They create the school budget, oversee its spending, and levies taxes on its residents. They negotiate contracts with the teacher’s union, bus service, lunch provider, contactors, and more. They establish the curriculum.

  • First, look up your voter registration on this website. If you are registered, your information will appear and it will tell you where to vote. If you were not able to find your voter registration then you need to register to vote using this website. After you register, it will tell you where to vote. Remember, you need to show ID when you vote for the first time.