Vote for Something New

Reece Smith for Pennsylvania Auditor General

Since 2020, the Auditor General's Office has conducted about 20 audits of State departments, agencies, and funds. In that same time span they conducted over 12,000 audits in total. That means only 0.17% of their audits look at the State government. I want to change that.

How We Can Bring Accountability

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About Reece

Reece is an active member of his local community, Crafton, A small suburb outside of the city of Pittsburgh. He serves in leadership roles within volunteer organizations and engages with local government at the municipal and school board level. He has a Bachelor’s in Economics from Allegheny College and works in the financial services industry.

As Auditor General, Reece will bring attention to an overlooked office, which has the ability to educate Pennsylvanians about how Harrisburg wastes their hard-earned money. Democrats and Republicans alike avoid auditing the State Government. A divided state legislature means that Democrats and Republicans are working together to waste your money, and history shows an Auditor general from either major party will not even investigate it.

Election Questions

  • The Auditor General's office is responsible for conducting audits of government agencies and departments across Pennsylvania. They investigate fraud, corruption, and abuse, in an attempt to protect the money millions of taxpayers pay to the state government.

  • First, look up your voter registration on this website. If you are registered, your information will appear and it will tell you where to vote. If you were not able to find your voter registration then you need to register to vote using this website. After you register, it will tell you where to vote. Remember, you need to show ID when you vote for the first time.

  • The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States. While people constantly complain about only having two options, the Libertarian Party is working tirelessly to provide everyone with more choices when they go to the ballot box. If you want to learn more, check out the homepage the Libertarian Party Here.

  • There are a handful of reasons to be willing to vote for a third party candidate.

    First, you don't necessarily have to win the office to make a difference. In 1992 Ross Perot ran for President as an Independent, campaigning mostly on the topic of balancing the federal budget, and won roughly 20% of the popular vote. Six years later, in 1998, Democrats and Republicans managed to balance the budget. They did that because both parties were fighting over Ross Perot supporters, who they viewed as key to winning elections.

    Here, I want to run focusing mostly on one issue, that less than 0.17% of the audits conducted are on state departments and agencies. Every vote for me makes it more likely that a future Auditor General will focus on auditing the state in an attempt to win your vote, and thus win the election.