The Game Plan:

How We Can Hold the Harrisburg Elite Accountable

Actually Audit the State

In the past 4 years the office of the Auditor General has conducted over 19,000 audits; however, only about 20 were audits of state departments and agencies. That's about 0.17% of all the audits! The Auditor General is letting the state government spend the money taken from you any way they want. As Auditor General I would relentlessly investigate how politicians and bureaucrats are using your money.

Audit the Politicians

Politicians regularly abuse their office funds for personal and campaign expenses. I want to Audit the Governor's office and the offices of the leaders in the legislature.

Oppose Bipartisan Corruption

Since 2003, there were only 4 years where one Party controlled the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature. That means both parties are engaged in wasting and abusing our money, so we can't trust either of them to conduct genuine audits that expose corruption.

Publicize Audit Results

When's the last time you heard about the results of an audit? I want to have regular press conferences reviewing audit results and letting you know exactly what your money was spent on.